You know how it sometimes feels like living on Earth is much of a daze? Is it just me that feels that way? Well, maybe you can relate more to the feeling of experiencing something quite intimate or soothing for the very first time. This is what I have been doing. Indulging in the wonderful things that life has to offer. Some things much like forbidden fruit.
You see these past few weeks have been a bit of a overhaul for me. Let me clear this up first though. No… this post is not about “my first time” in the midst of the grown up but I have endured a lot of firsts that I thought were good enough to share. If you came to read up on the freaky deaky *pops your hand* ….it’s okay, I get nosey too in other people’s business sometimes. We’re ALL guilty okay!
Well, let’s start with the fact that I completely planned for something at the wrong time. That’s not the first time but for my scheduled Bloggers Design Course, it was. Yep, I have my own online course for bloggers who want to learn how to design a blog from scratch. Here’s the 411: I went out of town to Atlanta the same week my course launched and I left instruction for my “team” of interns. Ay dios mio! Bless their hearts…

Things got a little hectic. NOTE TO SELF: Avoid set dates after the release date! Let’s just say that I would much rather keep my business, my business. At least when it comes to the peanut butter of my life. It wasn’t all bad but I did manage to get things back on track, even though the course is now a week behind schedule in sessions. Thank goodness for awesome and understanding people! No worries. If you’re interested in being apart of the course, it’s alive and ready to teach you the nitty gritty. 🙂
Next thing, I have been taking several visits to the insomnia cage apparently. What’s so new about this for me right? Nothing besides the fact the I went almost an entire week with less than 3 hours of sleep. Shhh… don’t judge me just yet. I am a self-diagnosed workaholic. Like, I think I would be a great candidate on a True Life episode.
“Hi. My name is Neosha and I’m addicted to my internet business. LAWWWWD help me!”

Yes, that’s the reaction I had as I typed the previous sentence. I am THAT dramatic in real life. lol. Back to the problem at hand. I run an online graphic design business. It’s gotten to the point where I would be working my butt off from sun up to SUN UP again. Terrible right? It’s been affecting my life.
My diet is out of wack. My sleep schedule is virtually obsolete. I crave more junk food. My skin has broken out and I need to HURRY back to my bathroom and scrub my face at this point. (I just did this 20 minutes ago). Speaking of skin, if you’re a beauty fanatic like me and love to keep the flesh tight, check out the Clear Skin For Life Contest from a company known as Truth In Aging.
I entered because I love to hoard facial products and try new things out so if two people have a chance to win, then by the rod of Thor I want to have my shot at being one of them. I’m all for products that don’t use toxic chemicals and all that hooplah in their products. Ch-ch-check it out! Ends on October 11th!
I think I would make a great ambassador for flesh and things. lol.
I think I figured out my problem though. I’m a hard headed, stubborn human alien. I love the work I do for others and all but goodness, it’s killing my sanity. Passion, drive, and being consistent I believe I took a little too far. I forgot how sleep felt. Red flag! How do you get back into sleep shape after allowing work to overflow and just take over? I need some recommendations or a doctor. Anyone seen Doc McStuffins anywhere?
Welp. I guess I’ll attempt to force myself to sleep once I share this post. It’s not ironic that I’m up blogging at 2:15AM on the dot. Shame on me but it had to be done! Maybe I’ll scrub through the free Google Search clinic some more for a prescription to my addiction. If I look on the bright side, the most successful people didn’t sleep much to get to where they are so maybe I’m not doing so bad, ya know.
Oh, one more thing. I must also say that the sushi and hot wings I devoured this month in various increments have been Pootie Tang black belt BAD! Yes… delicious! Ka-Pa Chow!
Workaholic? What’s been keeping you stuck beyond the call of duty this past month? How are you getting a grip on dealing with workaholism? Leave your comments below and share your thoughts. I’d love to hear from you! 🙂