Do you love FREE stuff?!! To celebrate the new year and those who support me, I decided to have a contest! Winner will receive products of their choice from awesome businesses! Choose from shoes, jewelry, shades, clothes, makeup, and much more!!! This is definitely a giveaway you don’t want to miss out on. The least I could do is pay for your favorites. I’m coming out of pocket, so that’s love lol.

The “Welcome to 2012: Manifest Up” contest giveaway has been posted!! First contest of 2012 for LFN. I know people love FREE stuff lol. check out more information regarding contest details, rules, and prizes on my FB page LFNbyNeoshaGEE. To have your entry considered, you must follow the contest rules and directions. If you don’t have a Facebook profile, there are rules adjusted to you as well. Contest ends February 10, 2012! Enter now!!!!