Okay, before you continue to read after noticing my forehead and saying “What the heck is that?” My hair was indeed wet in this photo and yes, that is hair product on my forehead.. hair mud mask actually lol. Let’s carry on.
This post has been a long time coming! Goodness. To get you all up to date on my latest hair craze, my better half decided that I should give hair color a try. At first I didn’t want to alter my previous natural hair regimen to make due with the much longer process of caring for color-treated natural hair but at the same time there was a little part of me that wanted those vibrant colored tresses I had been spotting all over the city this past summer.
Leave it to the men in our lives to be bad influences lol. After being a little wussy about it while strolling around my local Sally’s Beauty Supply store, my “hubby” decided to point out the blondest of blondes. I was like “HELLLLL NO sir…”. He was so serious too about the color.
I have the training in hair color from when I attended cosmetology school and all and I already knew the possible damage my hair could endure if I decided to go more than 3 shades lighter on my strands even though my hair was already at it’s strongest point prior to coloring. This is where it all gets interesting. I was in the middle of a mid-life crisis. Okay, maybe not that but I needed a second opinion so he decided to give his mother a call who happens to be a licensed cosmotologist. Hallelujah! She recommended I try a few things just to be on the safer side so we left Sally’s and hopped over to Wal-Mart.
After searching and comparing products, we ended up purchasing the L’Oreal.

Paris Feria Absolute Platinum Advanced Lightening System (here). Don’t get me wrong I was definitely NOT lifting my entire head all the way to absolute platinum, OH NO! Now the first option was to go for Dark & Lovely product but nothing caught my eye. I ended up getting a few other products and we went home to color my hair. – July 25, 2013
If you follow me on Instagram or Facebook, you may know that previously my hair was a deep brown. My natural hair color. Thanks to my babe for being such a sport and actually being the one who colored my hair for me lol. I’m upset I can’t find the video footage but I have photos! Always! My natural hair regimen changed drastically because I knew to expect the need for more moisture. NOTE: If you plan to dye your hair from dark to pretty light, have TONS of moisture, hot oil, and deep conditioning products on hand. If you have NO knowledge of how hair color works, please go to a professional.
My Updated Natural Hair Care Regimen

- Since coloring natural hair tends to be tricky, the need for more moisture in my regimen increased. I wash my hair once every two weeks. Each time I was, I deep condition. When I’m deep conditioning, I apply a shower cap over my hair and let it sit for 1-2 hours max if I have nothing better to do with my time. I co-wash a few times a month. No set number of times, only when I feel my hair needs it most. I don’t want to over do it.
- My secret weapon… ACV, which is a monthly Apple Cider Vinegar rinse. This really gets rid of the majority of impurities trapped in my hair from product build up over time. Absolutely LIVE by this stuff! I recently discovered they sold the AVC I had been searching for at GNC. Got it!
- Depending on how I feel, I’ll wash/co-wash in the shower or sink. If in the shower, I part my hair in four sections making sure that I finger detangle each section before cleansing to get rid of any knots or tangles.
- Protein treatments have also become even more apart of my natural hair. Since the hair is made up of 91% protein it would only make sense to treat your hair with protein. Many times I’d add a treatment to each time I co-wash.
- After cleansing my hair throughly, I apply a leave-in conditioner or moisturizing product of choice to my hair and style. I’m a big poster child for twist-outs so I do tend to just twist my hair after cleansing. I love to see my curls pop while I’m washing and after when I’m applying product. They’re just so sexy!! lol.

Here are the products I use currently in my updated natural hair regimen. I use them according to how my hair feels and which bottle is usually closest to me to grab at the moment (lol). The struggle, I tell ya. Apart of my natural hair regimen, I do still take my Biotin supplements which have helped me since the beginning.
For Washing
- Terressentials Pure Earth Hair Wash (currently using scent Left Coast Lemon);
- Curls Creamy Curl Cleanser;
- Suave Professionals Aloe Vera + Ginseng Shampoo/Conditioner.
For Conditioning
- Oyin Handmade Honey Hemp Conditioner;
- Healing Herbs by Rene Tropical Hemp Conditioner;
- Suave Professionals Almond & Shea Butter Conditioner;
- Nexxus Humectress Ultimate Moisture Conditioner;
- Garnier Fructis Sleek & Shine Leave-In Conditioning Cream.
For Deep Conditioning
- Dr. Miracles Deep Conditioner;
- Africa’s Best Organics Hair Mayonnaise;
- Jessicurl Deep Conditioning Treatment;
- African Pride Shea Butter Miracle Leave-In Conditioner.
For Oil Treatments/Hot Oil
- Softn’free GroHealthy Milk & Protein Olive Oil (Three Layer Growth Oil);
- Organic Root Stimulator Hair Repair Vital Oils For Hair & Scalp;
- Dr.Miracle’s Intensive Healing Oil hair & Scalp Treatment;
- Africa’s Best Herbal Oil.
For Protein Treatments
- Palmers Coconut Oil Formula Deep Conditioning Protein Pack.
For Styling
- La Bella Lots of Curls Styling Gel;
- Fruit of The Earth Aloe Vera Gel;
- African Pride Shea Butter Miracle Bouncy Curls Pudding;
- Softn’Free GroHealthy Nothing But Curl Sealer;
- Softn’free GroHealthy Nothing But Mold & Hold Wax;
- Shea Moisture Curl Enhancing Smoothie.
Okay, so yes, I may be a slight product junky. Just a tad bit. Don’t judge. I just enjoy trying new things and experimenting with products on my hair. I haven’t experienced any problems with fading hair color or anything with use of these products. The products I use in my natural hair regimen marked with asterisks(*) are usually my go-to staple products.

Talk about a mane of fluff! This is my hair on my last wash day taken from the front with my head down. My curls have gotten so fierce! I Love it! My hair goal is to get past my current stage 3 hair and make it to stage 4 and beyond to reach the naptural85 or longhairdontcare lioness status! Oh yeah!
Did you find this post helpful? If so, what products do you run to most to care for your curly tresses? Leave your comments below! 🙂
This is a great post and a must-have for Naturals wanting to sport blond.Gotta share.
Thanks so much! I hope it helps more blondies in the world lol
You are brave! the last time I put blonde in my hair it broke off a lot 🙁 Now i'm too scared.
Oh goodness! :O …I was scared for sure the entire time the color was lifting my darker shades. All I could think about was that Tina Turner movie when the young girl left her perm in too long and her was just breaking off like play dough.
All I could do was pray lol.
I also like to keep it simple, Thanks for sharing your regimen. ❤