Let’s not act like you’re not guilty of using that “I’ll get to it” phrase a few times in your everyday like. I am. Spring ends in June and I’ve been holding off on my official Spring cleaning since March.
Between running a business from home, caring for an infant, and keeping a household clean on top of making time for me – it’s been a battle. I have a bad habit of getting lazy the moment I remind myself of what I HAVE to do.
If you’re anything like me and need to sort through the many layers of clothing, jewelry, makeup, and miscellaneous items you can’t seem to easily let go – here’s a good reason to male it happen anyway…
You can donate a lot of stuff and write it off as donations on your taxes next year. A major plus for me since every penny I can scratch up can lessen the coints I have to pay to Uncle Sam.
I’m a hoarder, yes – which is why 2015 has been my year to give my life over to minimal living. The less I have, the more I can grow, think, and live daily. Cheers to an effective day… Or month of purge!
Always start with your most hoarded items
For me – it’s my closet full of clothes. I’ve already given away a few good bags of clothing, shoes, and such to my aunt and nieces. I still have TONS more to do. I found that if I can’t remember when or how long I’ve had something, it should be thrown in the purge pile.
You can always do better
In regards to getting rid of things you seriously don’t need along with finding something better to replace it. I had and still have items as old as my grammar school years – why? No clue. I figured “maybe I can reminisce one day”. Please – waste of space.Those shoes you loved 8 years ago will always have a better and more updated twin waiting on you somewhere at the Aldo store or online Marshall’s shop.

Only keep what has substance + true meaning
I of all people completely understand that some things you simply shouldn’t let go – like that vintage perfume bottle your grandmother left you or those hospital bracelets your mom kept for 24 years since your birth.Hoarding Valentines Day cards or bears from ex boyfriends should be trashed. Old school work and even your favorite pair of jeans from 4th grade should go bye bye. What you keep should reflect love, memories worth keeping, and great stories for your golden years.
If it takes you all of Spring (like me) to reduce your clutter, oh well. At least you’re making the moves to live more simple.
I think I’ll end up with 5 pairs of jeans/pants and 10 shirts after I finish my purge. Especially since I tend to wear and make new outfits out of the same pieces anyway.
Do you suck with letting go of your things often? How do you spring clean every year?
AMEN to minimalist living. I love open space. It feels so much better than holding on to a bunch of clutter. I'm like you though–I keep putting off some long overdue spring cleaning but I vow to get to it before May rolls around. Nine days and counting, but your list will definitely help me out! Great post 🙂
I've done this to my closet mainly. I found items sitting there not even being touched. My approach now is, do I LOVE it and NEED it? If not, it's taking up too much space in my life now matter how small the item may be.
I recently did a cosmetics swap with a co worker (sanitary items only of course) and that allowed me to get rid of a few items there too. But I guess I accumulated a few as well…oops. lol
Right! Open spaces are everything! So glad I could be of help!
lol understandable. A swap is a great idea to help with getting rid of those items that are taking up quality space. I should try that.
I totally understand! I recently did a modified KonMari method and purged a lot. Felt great to purge.